Concrete Flooring Moisture Mitigation

Concrete Flooring Moisture Solutions

Austin Stained Concrete addresses your flooring needs, which includes looking for ways to solve future issues. We ensure our work covers moisture mitigation and floor leveling (when needed), by removing and prepping every floor surface properly. We take our time to create the best possible floor while hoping to prevent any future problems down the line. Our work is of the highest standard in the local polished and stained concrete flooring industry.

When needed, we may recommend testing your concrete floors for moisture content and vapor emission prior to installation. Any moisture present can result in adhesive failures, mold buildup, or mildew growth, which ultimately can lead to product delaminating, curling and/or bubbling. The testing method used for moisture is ASTM F1869 to check for calcium chloride and ASTM F2170 to check for relative humidity. These tests measure moisture emitted and contained in the concrete. The test takes approximately 60-72 hours and requires the environment to remain at 75°F (± 10°F) with a relative humidity of 50% (± 10%) for 48 hours prior to and during each test. Our product and installation warranties require a minimal moisture content, contamination, and emission levels to be maintained before, during, and after installation, and if these conditions aren’t met  your warranty is voided. Because of this, we work to ensure there are no moisture problems. That’s why ATX loves Austin Stained Concrete, we take care of our customers.

Contact us for more information.